JetBlue Airlines Name Change Policy: Guide to Name Corrections and Changes

JetBlue Airlines offers a flexible name change policy that allows passengers to modify their names on their tickets under specific circumstances. This policy is designed to accommodate various changes in personal circumstances, such as marriage, divorce, or adoption. In this article, we will delve into the details of JetBlue’s name change policy, including the rules for name corrections and changes, the process for modifying names, and the fees associated with these changes.

JetBlue Name Change Policy vs. Name Correction Policy

Before discussing the specifics of JetBlue’s name change policy, it is essential to understand the distinction between name changes and name corrections. A name change refers to any alteration of a passenger’s name that does not fall under the airline’s name correction policy. On the other hand, a name correction is a specific type of name change that involves correcting misspellings, typos, or other minor errors in a passenger’s name.

Name Corrections

JetBlue allows name corrections for free under its name correction policy. This policy permits passengers to correct minor errors in their names, such as misspellings or typos, without incurring any additional fees. Name corrections can be made for both first, middle, and last names, as well as for the reversal of names or the conversion of nicknames to full names. Additionally, the airline allows passengers to modify the format of their names, such as changing the order of their names or adding a middle name.

Name Changes

JetBlue’s name change policy is more restrictive than its name correction policy. The airline does not permit name changes on a ticket after it has been issued. However, passengers can transfer their tickets to another person by canceling their original ticket and booking a new ticket under the new passenger’s name. This process involves paying the difference in fares and any applicable change fees.

Eligibility for Name Changes

To be eligible for a name change on a JetBlue ticket, passengers must meet certain criteria. The airline allows name changes for legal name changes due to marriage, divorce, or adoption. Additionally, passengers can change their names if they have a valid legal document, such as a marriage certificate, divorce decree, or adoption papers, to support the name change.

Process for Changing Names

To change a name on a JetBlue ticket, passengers must contact the airline’s customer service department by phone or visit a JetBlue office in their area. They will need to provide their reservation number and any necessary documentation, such as a valid copy of their legal document supporting the name change. The airline will then verify the passenger’s identity and process the name change.

To change the name on a JetBlue Airlines ticket, there are several methods that can be used:

  1. Offline Method: Call JetBlue customer support to make changes to the middle or last name. Provide the booking details and legal documents if required
  2. Online Method: Use the JetBlue mobile application to change the name on the ticket. Download the app from the Play Store, App Store, or other sites, and follow the in-app instructions
  3. Live Chat Method: Visit JetBlue’s official website, select the “Contact Us” option, and choose the live chat option. Share your concern and provide profile details to update the information
  4. In-App Support: Use the JetBlue app to change the name on the ticket and get assistance through in-app support resources

These methods can be used to correct or change names on JetBlue Airlines tickets, ensuring that the correct information is reflected on the boarding pass and in the airline’s records.

Fees for Name Changes

JetBlue charges fees for name changes that do not fall under its name correction policy. These fees typically include the difference in fares between the original ticket and the new ticket, as well as any applicable change fees. The airline also charges fees for changes to other aspects of a passenger’s ticket, such as travel dates, flight numbers, or fare classes.

Transfer of Tickets

Passengers can transfer their tickets to another person by canceling their original ticket and booking a new ticket under the new passenger’s name. This process involves paying the difference in fares and any applicable change fees. The airline does not permit name changes on a ticket after it has been issued, so passengers must cancel their original ticket and book a new one to make the name change.

TrueBlue Name Changes

JetBlue’s TrueBlue loyalty program also allows passengers to change their names on their accounts. However, this process is subject to the same rules and fees as name changes on tickets. Passengers can change their names on their TrueBlue accounts if they are not substituting passengers, and they must provide valid legal documentation to support the name change.


JetBlue’s name change policy is designed to accommodate various changes in personal circumstances, such as marriage, divorce, or adoption. The airline allows name corrections for free under its name correction policy, but charges fees for name changes that do not fall under this policy. Passengers can transfer their tickets to another person by canceling their original ticket and booking a new ticket under the new passenger’s name. By understanding the rules and fees associated with JetBlue’s name change policy, passengers can make informed decisions about their travel arrangements and ensure a smooth and hassle-free travel experience.

Key Takeaways
  • JetBlue allows name corrections for free under its name correction policy.
  • The airline does not permit name changes on a ticket after it has been issued.
  • Passengers can transfer their tickets to another person by canceling their original ticket and booking a new ticket under the new passenger’s name.
  • Name changes are subject to fees, including the difference in fares and any applicable change fees.
  • Passengers must provide valid legal documentation to support name changes.
  • TrueBlue name changes are subject to the same rules and fees as name changes on tickets.
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