Spirit Airlines Name Change Policy: A Comprehensive Guide

Spirit Airlines understands that circumstances may arise where passengers need to change or correct their names on flight tickets. To accommodate these situations, the airline has established a flexible name change policy. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various aspects of Spirit Airlines’ name change policy, including the types of name changes allowed, the process to make changes, and the associated fees.

Types of Name Changes Permitted

Spirit Airlines allows two main types of name changes on flight tickets:

  1. Minor Misspellings or Typos: If your name was misspelled during the booking process, you can correct it free of charge. For example, changing “Feline” to “Filene” would be considered a minor correction.
  2. Legal Name Changes: If you have legally changed your name due to marriage, divorce, adoption, or other legal reasons, you can update your ticket accordingly. However, this type of name change typically incurs a fee, as your ticket may need to be reissued under your new legal name.

In addition to name changes, Spirit Airlines also allows passengers to update other personal information, such as contact details, passport information, date of birth, gender, and redress number.

Name Change Process

Spirit Airlines offers both online and offline methods to change or correct names on flight tickets:

  1. Online: You can initiate the name change process by logging into your account, accessing your reservation, and selecting the option to modify your name. If the name change requires supporting documentation (e.g., legal name changes), you can attach the necessary documents at the bottom of the web form.
  2. Offline: If you prefer to make the name change offline, you can contact Spirit Airlines’ customer service by phone (1-855-728-3555) or WhatsApp (877-728-3555). Provide the necessary details about your reservation and the reason for the name change. If the change is due to a legal name alteration, be prepared to submit supporting documentation.

It’s important to note that name changes must be made before checking in for your flight, as Spirit Airlines does not allow name changes at the airport.

Name Change Fees

Spirit Airlines’ name change fees vary depending on the type of change required:

  1. Minor Misspellings or Typos: Corrections of minor spelling errors or typos are free of charge, as long as the change does not require your ticket to be reissued.
  2. Legal Name Changes: Name changes due to legal reasons, such as marriage, divorce, or adoption, may incur a fee. The exact fee amount depends on the fare conditions and is subject to change. It’s recommended to contact Spirit Airlines’ customer service for the most up-to-date information on name change fees.

Name Change Due to Marriage

If you have recently gotten married and need to change your name on your Spirit Airlines ticket, you can do so by providing a copy of your marriage certificate as supporting documentation. The process is the same as for other legal name changes, and a fee may apply.

Name Change Due to Divorce

In the event of a divorce, you can change your name back to your maiden name or choose a new legal name. To do so, you’ll need to provide a copy of your divorce decree or court order as proof of the legal name change. As with other legal name changes, a fee may be charged by Spirit Airlines.

Transferring Tickets to Another Person

Spirit Airlines does not allow passengers to transfer their tickets to another person, even if the name change is due to marriage or divorce. Each ticket is issued to a specific passenger and is non-transferable.

Modifying or Editing Names

If you need to modify or edit your name on a Spirit Airlines ticket, the process is the same as for making a name change. You can make the necessary corrections online or by contacting customer service. If the change is minor (e.g., correcting a spelling error), it will be free of charge. However, if the change is due to a legal name alteration, a fee may apply.

Using a Travel Agency for Name Changes

If you booked your Spirit Airlines ticket through a travel agency, you’ll need to contact the agency directly to make any name changes. The travel agency will then coordinate with Spirit Airlines to process the name change request. The same rules and fees apply, regardless of whether the ticket was booked directly with the airline or through a third-party agency.

Changing Middle Names or Initials

Spirit Airlines allows passengers to change or correct their middle names or initials on flight tickets. If the change is due to a minor misspelling or typo, it will be free of charge. However, if the change is due to a legal name alteration, a fee may apply.

Changing First or Last Names

Changing your first or last name on a Spirit Airlines ticket follows the same process as other name changes. If the change is due to a minor misspelling or typo, it will be free of charge. If the change is due to a legal name alteration, such as marriage or divorce, a fee may apply.


Spirit Airlines’ name change policy is designed to accommodate various situations where passengers need to update their names on flight tickets. By offering both online and offline methods for making changes, and by distinguishing between minor corrections and legal name changes, Spirit Airlines aims to provide a flexible and customer-friendly experience. However, it’s important to note that legal name changes may incur a fee, and tickets are non-transferable, even in the event of a name change due to marriage or divorce.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with a name change on your Spirit Airlines ticket, it’s recommended to contact the airline’s customer service team for the most up-to-date information and guidance.

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